Counselling centre

Ada Women’s Shelter and Young Women’s Empowerment Centre has a counselling centre where we offer a place to come and talk. There is no charge for coming and talking to us. You can remain anonymous and we will not keep records of the counselling sessions you have with us. Everyone working at Ada Women’s Shelter and Young Women’s Empowerment Centre has taken a vow of secrecy, which means that nothing you say to us will be passed on to anyone else unless you say it’s OK. However, we are always legally required to make a report if we suspect a child has been abused.

When you come in to talk to any of us at the counselling centre, everything is based on your needs. With us, you can feel free to talk about your experiences of being subjected to threats and violence in any form. Whether physical, psychological, sexual, financial, material or any other form of abuse, we focus on your perceptions and experiences. It is never your responsibility or fault that someone is abusing you in some way. You can give a voice to your thoughts, worries and fears. We know that you are the one who knows your situation best. During the sessions, we listen and offer support to help you in the process of deciding what to do and how to deal with your experiences. We can give you information about your rights, and which organisations and authorities are obliged to provide assistance if you turn to them for help. If you need us, we can assist you and provide support when you contact the organisations and authorities.

To book a meeting in our counselling centre, simply call or email us. If you call outside of our phone hours, please leave a message on our voice mail system and we will get back to you.